Rating 4.67 out of 5 (9 ratings in Udemy)
What you'll learn
- 将帮助你更好的认识你是谁?你在基督耶稣里的身份
- You will know your identity and who you are as a believer of Jesus
- 您将学习到如何成为一个大有影响力的人
- You will learn how to become a powerful and a influential people
- 您将学习到如何让你的生命不仅得胜,而且得胜有余
- You will learn how to become more than a conqueror in Jesus Christ
- 您将学习如何靠主刚强
- You will learn to strengthen yourself in the Lord
- 您将学习到我们到底是靠着什么去医治祷告
- You will learn how to release healing and pray for the sick
我是怎样 …
Rating 4.67 out of 5 (9 ratings in Udemy)
What you'll learn
- 将帮助你更好的认识你是谁?你在基督耶稣里的身份
- You will know your identity and who you are as a believer of Jesus
- 您将学习到如何成为一个大有影响力的人
- You will learn how to become a powerful and a influential people
- 您将学习到如何让你的生命不仅得胜,而且得胜有余
- You will learn how to become more than a conqueror in Jesus Christ
- 您将学习如何靠主刚强
- You will learn to strengthen yourself in the Lord
- 您将学习到我们到底是靠着什么去医治祷告
- You will learn how to release healing and pray for the sick
我的名字叫 Joanna,我出生和生长在中国西南部一个美丽的城市--昆明。1990年财会专业毕业后一直从事会计工作。
我的呼召和我的热情是使万人作基督的门徒,透过点火班、寻宝、coaching 等等工具, 把人对神的热情和对神的爱火点燃起来,帮助他们发现自己的命定,并步入他们的命定当中,成为改变世界的复兴者,将福音传的地极。
How Do I Step by Step Walk Into My Supernatural Destiny?
My name is Joanna and I was born and raised in a beautiful city in the Southwest of China, Kunming. I worked as an accountant for many years After I graduated from University in 1990. My mother became a Christian and was baptized when I was a little. She loved Jesus. I still remember that it was hard to find a Bible in those days. One day she borrowed a Bible and was very excited. She copied the Bible Genesis and the book John by hand.
One day in 1997, I went to a house church. This was the day I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal savior and I became a Christian. After I was converted, I immediately got involved serving God and doing ministry. A few months later I started leading a cell group.
In 2000, God called me to go to a very poor minority's village. I became a volunteer teacher in that village's elementary school. I taught mathematics and science. After I finished a whole school year in this elementary school, I went back to my city Kunming. There I was hired to work with an international organization called 'Project Grace International' (Currently called 'Bless China International') I worked in the financial office. After three years working as an accountant, I established a new ministry working with "terminal care". This ministry was primary care for people who got cancer.
I love God and I always want to pursue Him. I want to have intimacy with Him just like King David had with God. I went to Israel in 2012 and at the Sea of Galilee, God said to me: “Launch out into the deep water”. But I did not know where the place “deep water” was.
Twenty days after this encounter with God, I met with a friend whom I had not seen for many years. She shared her life story with me and how her life had been changed and how God supernaturally provided for her needs and all the encounters she had with God. I was so amazed about what she said. She told me she was studying at a ministry school called Bethel Supernatural Ministry School. I was so excited and I asked her if I could apply for this school. She gave me the link to applying for this school. I applied for this school right after the day we met and 10 days later I got the admission letter. In the same day I resigned from my job even though I had not applied for a U.S. visa yet.
Two months later in September of 2012, I left China and came to the United States for the Bethel Supernatural Ministry School. Although I didn't really know about this school, I put my trust in my God and I believed. I could sense that some good things would be happening.
The three years of studying at the Bethel School changed my life. I know more about my identity, who am I and know more about God. I know more about my calling and my destiny. After the 2nd year of school, I went back to China for the summer. I was so excited and wanted to share with the brothers and sisters in churches about what I had learned while at the Bethel School. God opened doors for me and I had opportunities to share with them. I have seen many healing, signs and wonders happen among them. I have also seen the changes in their lives and growth and they have more love and passion for the Lord.
My calling and my passion is to make disciples of all nations, through the Firestarter classes, treasure hunts, coaching etc. and to build people up and to ignite their passion, the fire of love for God. I hope to help them find their own supernatural destiny and walk into their destiny and become revivalists and world changers who preach the Gospel to the ends of the earth.Free
Self paced
All Levels
Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong)
Rating 4.67 out of 5 (9 ratings in Udemy)
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