はじめての手作りデザイン石けん(Cold process法)Design soap of the beginner

はじめての手作りデザイン石けん(Cold process法)Design soap of the beginner

Rating 4.8 out of 5 (141 ratings in Udemy)

What you'll learn
  • 手作りデザイン石けんが簡単、安全、楽しく自宅で作れるようになります。You will be able to make homemade design soap easily, safely and happily at your own home.



When you first make soap of the cold process method by yourself, you'll become anxious about handling of lye.To make handmade soap easily in a short time at your own …

Duration 0 Hours 58 Minutes

Self paced

Beginner Level



Rating 4.8 out of 5 (141 ratings in Udemy)

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