Arduino [Zero to Hero] is a course designed for anybody who is interested in building Arduino based projects. We have designed this course with a 'learn by practice' approach, where you will learn all the concepts and fundamentals by building hands-on projects.
You'll be doing the following Arduino Projects:
Automatic Hand Sanitizer/Soap Dispenser
Automatic Light Control using LDR
Generating Patterns with LED's
Smart Door Lock using Keypads (Digital Code Lock)
Home Security System (Protect against Fire accident, Gas leakage,)
Weather Monitoring System (Measure Temperature & Humidity)
Home Automation using Smartphone & TV Remote Control
Line Follower Robot (the basics to build robots)
Obstacle Avoidance Robot (learn to build intelligence in robots)
Mobile Phone controlled Robot Car (wireless controlled robots)
Smart Irrigation System
IoT based Weather Station (Display weather data on website/web application)
Absolute beginners can readily take this course. No programming knowledge or Electronics knowledge is necessary to take this course. We'll teach you all fundamentals & concepts on the fly.
Experienced persons can also take this course to do some advanced projects like IoT based weather station, Smartphone controlled robot car, and other advanced projects.
You'll learn about the following fundamentals, components & sensors in this course:
Arduino boards & development environment, IDE
Learn about breadboards, how to assemble components and a circuit
LED (LightEmitting Diodes) and types
LDR (Light Dependent Resistors) and types
All about Arduino Uno - Pin configurations and other basics
How to program an Arduino board
The basics of Arduino programming - data types, variables, constants, operators, statements and loops.
Seven segment displays and how to use them in a circuit
Keypads - how to interface and use
Servo motor and types - how to interface & control servo motor
Liquid/Water sensor - how to interface and use in the application
Gas sensor - how to interface and use in the application
Fire sensor - how to interface and use in the application
16x2 LCD Display - interface and display characters
DHT11 - Temperature and Humidity sensor
Relays and Types - how to interface and control
IR Receiver and TSOP module - how to read signals from the TV remote
Bluetooth module HC05 - how to receive and transmit data over Bluetooth
IR Sensor
Motor Drivers - how to drive motors using driver module
Ultrasonic sensor - interfacing and controlling using Arduino
Soil moisture sensor - uses and interfacing
Water pump - how to use with Arduino in projects
IoT - Internet of Things - send data over the Internet
and much more...!
All the projects are well explained with the help of circuit diagrams, working of the circuit, explanation of the components used, assembling the circuit, line by line code explanation, and the explanation of concepts and fundamentals. Students can download circuit diagrams and code files for reuse.