Continuous Integration for ASP.NET with Docker and Azure Devops
Video description
Each lecture is self-sufficient and concise and describes information related to the topic.
About This Video
You will learn about troubleshooting container, networking, and image building issues
Understand automated dev environments with Docker Compose
Set up continuous integration pipelines to build and publish Docker images to ACR
In Detail
Docker with Kubernetes has already become a mainstream technology. However, …
Continuous Integration for ASP.NET with Docker and Azure Devops
Video description
Each lecture is self-sufficient and concise and describes information related to the topic.
About This Video
You will learn about troubleshooting container, networking, and image building issues
Understand automated dev environments with Docker Compose
Set up continuous integration pipelines to build and publish Docker images to ACR
In Detail
Docker with Kubernetes has already become a mainstream technology. However, running Windows containers with Docker is still a less explored path and lacks resources. This course was initially created as Docker mastery on Windows.
We will start with an introduction to CI with Azure DevOps and Docker for .NET, and we will explore Docker's story and what is Azure DevOps. We will learn about Docker architecture and ecosystem to understand Docker in a better way.
Moving forward, we will understand Docker registries and how to debug container applications with logs. We will learn to create an environment to build an ASP.NET Core app, a hands-on project wherein you will learn to write a Dockerfile for a .NET Core app to make your skills stronger.
By the end of the course, you will be able to run Windows containers and set up the CI pipeline with Azure DevOps.
Chapter 1 : Introduction to CI with Azure DevOps Ad Docker for .NET
Why Container-Based Software Delivery
What is Continuous Integration and Delivery?
CI/CD Workflow with Docker and Kubernetes
Running .NET Applications with Docker
What is Azure DevOps?
The Docker Story
Containers Versus VMs
Two Ways on Windows - Hyper-V and Windows Containers
Technologies Under the Hood – Namespaces, CGroups, and Layers
Docker Architecture and Ecosystem
Chapter 2 : Environment Setup
Setup Azure Account
Launch Windows 10 VM on Azure
Install and Configure Docker to Run Windows Containers
Chapter 3 : Running and Operating
Getting Started with Docker Client
Understand Docker Registries
Learn to Pull and Examine Images
Launch Your First Ephemeral Container
Working with an Interactive Container
Running Containers in Detached Mode
Debugging Container Applications with Logs
Getting Inside the Container with Exec
Exposing Application with Port Mapping
Managing Container’s Lifecycle
Lab Time
Chapter 4 : Dockerizing a ASP .NET Core App
Create an Environment to Build ASP.NET Core App
Build an ASP.NET Core App Within a Container
Committing Container’s Changes to an Image
Why Do You Need a Dockerfile?
Automated Build of an Image With a Dockerfile
Publishing Docker Image to Docker Hub
The Secret Behind Image Layers – Iterative Image Build
Deep Dive into Dockerfile Instructions
Analyzing a Dockerfile for ASP .NET App
Write a Dockerfile for a .NET Core App
Solution to Dockerfile for a .NET Core App
Chapter 5 : Advanced Image Building Projects
What is a Multi-Stage Dockerfile
Nano Project – Refactor Dockerfile for ASP .NET app with Multi-Stage
Research Project
Nano Project - Dockerize a Legacy ASP .NET Framework App
Solution Part I - Build App with .NET Framework SDK Image
Solution Part II - Test Run ASP .NET Framework App
Solution Part III - Write a Multi-Stage Dockerfile to Automate Image Build
Chapter 6 : Deploying Containers with Docker Compose
AlbumViewer Application Stack Use Case
Imperative Approach to Launch AlbumViewer Container Stack
Introducing Docker Compose
Building docker-compose.yaml with YAML
Launching Two-Tier Application with Compose
More Docker Compose Commands
Service Discovery with Docker Compose
Integration Dockerfile with Compose
Idempotence and Immutable Deployments
Chapter 7 : Building CI Pipelines with Azure DevOps
Creating Azure DevOps Account
Importing a GitHub Repository to Azure DevOps
Creating a Simple ASP.NET Build Pipeline
Modifying Pipeline and Triggering Manually
Adding a Docker-Based Build Pipeline
Set Up Azure Container Registry
Retagging and Pushing Images to ACR
Docker build and ACR Publish Pipeline
Chapter 8 : Deploy to Dev with Compose and Azure DevOps
Configuring Docker Host to Accept Remote Connections
Debugging Issue with TLS Certs and Docker Image
Adding Service Connection to a Docker Host
Sync GitHub and Azure Repos with Git Remotes
Adding Deploy to Dev Stage with Docker Compose
Troubleshooting Connectivity Issues
How to Detect and Fix Firewall Issues
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