Explore Machine Learning methods to predict future financial events based on past data
About This Video
Learn the key Machine Learning (ML) techniques commonly used for Financial forecasting: from a simple Machine Learning model to using more complex ones
Explore tools such as pandas, Scikit-Learn, Keras, and Tensorflow for applications in Finance
Get Hands-on training to prepare financial data for analysis and use it to make future value predictions
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AI for Finance
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Explore Machine Learning methods to predict future financial events based on past data
About This Video
Learn the key Machine Learning (ML) techniques commonly used for Financial forecasting: from a simple Machine Learning model to using more complex ones
Explore tools such as pandas, Scikit-Learn, Keras, and Tensorflow for applications in Finance
Get Hands-on training to prepare financial data for analysis and use it to make future value predictions
In Detail
A lot of solutions to key problems in the financial world require predicting the future patterns in data from the past to make better financial decisions right now. The evolution of modern machine learning methods and tools in recent years in the field of computer vision bring promise of the same progress in other important fields such as financial forecasting.
In this course, you’ll first learn how to quickly get started with ML in finances by predicting the future currency exchange rates using a simple modern machine learning method. In this example, you’ll learn how to choose the basic data preparation method and model and then how to improve them. In the next module, you’ll discover a variety of ways to prepare data and then see how they influence models training accuracy. In the last module, you’ll learn how to find and test a few key modern machine learning models to pick up the best performing one.
After finishing this course, you’ll have a solid introduction to apply ML methods to financial data forecasting.
This course is for aspiring data scientists, ML practitioners, as well as Investment Analysts and Portfolio managers working in the finance and investment industry. Some basic knowledge related to Python is assumed. However, no knowledge about financial data analysis is assumed.
What’s Financial Forecasting and Why It’s Important?
Installing Pandas, Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow
Chapter 2 : Predicting Currency Exchange Rates with Multi-Layer Perceptron
Getting and Preparing the Currency Exchange Data
Building the MLP Model with Keras
Training and Testing the Model
Summary and What’s Next?
Chapter 3 : Loan Approval Prediction with GradientBoostingClassifier
Getting and Preparing the Loan Approval Data
Creating, Training, Testing, and Using a GradientBoostingClassfier Model
Summary and What’s Next?
Chapter 4 : Detecting Fraud in Financial Services Using Extreme GradientBoostingClassifier
Getting and Preparing Financial Fraud Data
Creating, Training, and Testing XGBoost Model
Summary and What’s Next?
Chapter 5 : Forecasting Stock Prices Using Long-Short Term Memory Network
Getting and Preparing the Stock Prices Data
Building the LSTM Model with Keras
Training and Testing the Model
Summary and What’s Next?
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