Become a pro in creating modern interactive web applications using this JavaScript framework
About This Video
Equipped with a wide spectrum of topics, starting with basics, such as lists, and ending with advanced features, such as creating real-time applications
Contains multiple assessments and activities to benchmark your progress
Comprises of interesting tips and tricks that make using Vue.js more efficient
In Detail
Developers can do wonders with Vue.js — an …
Beginning Vue.js
Video description
Become a pro in creating modern interactive web applications using this JavaScript framework
About This Video
Equipped with a wide spectrum of topics, starting with basics, such as lists, and ending with advanced features, such as creating real-time applications
Contains multiple assessments and activities to benchmark your progress
Comprises of interesting tips and tricks that make using Vue.js more efficient
In Detail
Developers can do wonders with Vue.js — an ecosystem that scales between a library and a full-featured framework. Beginning Vue.js teaches all that you need to know about Vue.js to create modern interactive web applications.
It starts with the basics, such as lists and filters, and then progresses to advanced features such as using Jasmine for testing Vue.js and creating universal applications with Electron. By the end of the course, you will also know how to integrate the Vue.js framework with others.
The code files for this title are uploaded on Github
If you are an experienced programmer or a web developer with little or no prior experience with Vue.js, this is an ideal course for you. JavaScript enthusiast who wants to learn a modern and simple JavaScript framework will find this course very useful.
Integrating with Third-Party CSS Animation Libraries
Adding Your Own Transition Classes
Animating with JavaScript Instead of CSS
Transitioning Between Elements
Letting an Element Leave Before the Enter Phase in a Transition
Transitioning Elements That Move in a List
Animating the State of Your Components
Dynamic Transitions
Chapter 4 : All about Components
Lesson Overview
Creating and Registering a Component
Single File Components with Webpack
Using Components in Your Own Components
Passing Data to Your Components with Props
Reading a Child’s State
Content Distribution with Slots
Making Components Talk with Vuex
Having Recursive Components
Chapter 5 : Vue Communicating with the Internet
Lesson Overview
Sending Basic AJAX Requests with Axios
Validating User Data before Sending It
Recovering from an Error during a Request
Creating a REST Client (and Server!)
Implementing Infinite Scrolling
Processing a Request before Sending It Out
Preventing XSRF Attacks on Your App
Chapter 6 : Single-Page Applications
Lesson Overview
Creating an SPA with Vue-Router
Fetching Data before Switching Routes
Managing Errors for Your Routes
Using Named Dynamic Routes
Composing Your Routes Hierarchically
How to Redirect to another Route
Saving Scrolling Position When Hitting Back
Chapter 7 : Unit-Testing and End-to-End Testing
Lesson Overview
Using Jasmine for Testing Vue Applications
Adding Karma to Your Workflow
Testing Your Application State and Methods
Testing Asynchronous DOM Updates
End-to-End Testing with TestCafe
Stubbing External API Calls with Sinon.JS
Measuring the Coverage of Your Code
Chapter 8 : Organize + Automate + Deploy = Webpack
Lesson Overview
Extracting Logic from Your Components to Keep the Code Tidy
Organizing Your Dependencies with Webpack
Developing with Continuous Feedback with Hot Reloading
Running a Code Linter While Developing
Deploy your app to the Public
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