Learn skills with rising demand. Storage and CDN services in Amazon cloud - AWS S3, EBS, EFS, CloudFront
About This Video
Comprehend the AWS architecture and implement its services
Distinguish the different AWS storage services, and use them competently for your business needs
Utilize S3 and its capabilities to host a static website, and configure and upload files in any format
Use EBS as a persistent storage mechanism for your EC2 instances, with its capabilities like—flexibility and scalability, and
Employ the CloudFront CDN to update, monitor and deliver selective content across the world, based on your requirements.
In Detail
In this course, we will focus on implementing DevOps practices in the cloud using an aggregation of very potent tools and services. We will learn about AWS CodePipeline, AWS CodeDeploy and tie it all together with Jenkins. AWS CodePipeline and AWS CodeDeploy are DevOps focused services offered by Amazon Web Services. This combination of toolsets provides end-to-end capabilities of fully automating your source code builds, testing, and deployment. Implementing these tools and DevOps practices can help us immensely in reducing the risk within our software development lifecycle by catching bugs early and increasing the quality of our software products. This, in turn, reduces the overall cost of developing innovative software in any environment - startups and enterprise alike. When any startup or technology company is looking to implement DevOps practices to automate their infrastructure they are willing to pay handsomely for DevOps engineers and consultants to help them manage their infrastructure. Wouldn’t you want to acquire these skills and be a part of this cloud computing revolution? Be highly sought after and take your career to the next level? Imagine getting that promotion in your current role. Imagine getting chased by recruiters looking for the skilled and experienced engineers that companies are desperately seeking to hire. Imagine getting a massive bump in your income as a result of your newly acquired in-demand skills. That's what we want for you, and we know it's what you want for yourself, so grab your copy of DevOps with AWS CodePipeline, Jenkins and AWS CodeDeploy now and let's get you started today!
Configure AWS CloudFront distribution # 2
Finalize AWS CloudFront distribution
Chapter 6 : Validating AWS CloudFront Setup
Prepare for validating AWS CloudFront setup
Prepare AWS CloudFront distribution
Deploy AWS EC2 instances
Validate AWS CloudFront setup
Chapter 7 : Introduction to AWS
Introduction to AWS
Benefits of AWS cloud
Who is using AWS? and Why?
Services provided by AWS
Services provided by AWS # 2
AWS - a leading cloud platform
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