The most comprehensive Ruby course with an in-depth overview of coding with Ruby, a popular programming language renowned for its simplicity and elegance.
About This Video
Learn to program using Ruby and solve popular coding challenges and algorithms with Ruby
Master common Ruby objects such as strings, arrays, hashes, and more
Dive into object-oriented programming including classes and more
In Detail
Ruby is a language released by Yukihiro Matsumoto in …
Learn to Code with Ruby
Video description
The most comprehensive Ruby course with an in-depth overview of coding with Ruby, a popular programming language renowned for its simplicity and elegance.
About This Video
Learn to program using Ruby and solve popular coding challenges and algorithms with Ruby
Master common Ruby objects such as strings, arrays, hashes, and more
Dive into object-oriented programming including classes and more
In Detail
Ruby is a language released by Yukihiro Matsumoto in 1995 that bills itself as "a programmer's best friend". Every aspect of Ruby is designed to make programming easier for the developer. There is no better first language if you are interested in learning how to program.
Ruby also serves as the foundation for Ruby on Rails, a popular web framework that powers over 1.2 million websites worldwide. The course offers an extensive introduction to the base language you will need to know if you intend to tackle web development in the future.
The course starts by introducing you to Ruby programming and helps you install Ruby on macOS and Windows OS. You will then look at common programming concepts (variables, arithmetic, output). You will learn objects and methods, strings, numbers, Booleans, methods and conditionals, ranges, arrays, and hashes. After that, you will look at Blocks, Procs, and Lambdas; dates and times; file input and output; and regular expressions. Finally, you will look at classes, modules, and inheritance in detail.
By the end of this course, you will be confident enough to work on the Ruby programming language and bring your programming experience to the next level.
This course is best suited for the beginning programmers who want to start with an easy, human-friendly language, intermediate coders who are interested in exploring the Ruby language in greater depth, and web development folk curious about the foundation of Ruby on Rails.
Basic text editing skills along with computer skills (web browsing, app installation, file navigation) would be highly recommended to get the most out of this course.
MacOS - Install atom-runner Package and Visual Theme
MacOS - Write the First Ruby File and Run with Atom Runner
MacOS - Run Ruby File from Terminal
Windows - Download and Install Ruby
Windows - Download Atom Text Editor
Windows - Install atom-runner Package and Custom Theme
Windows - Write the First Ruby File and Run with Atom Runner
Windows - Run Ruby File from Command Prompt
Interactive Ruby (IRB)
Chapter 2 : Getting Started
The puts Method
The print Method
The p Method
Basic Arithmetic in Ruby
Parallel Variable Assignment and Swapping Variable Values
Introduction to Object Methods
Return Values and the nil Object
String Interpolation
The gets Method and the chomp Method
Chapter 3 : Numbers and Booleans
Introduction to Numbers and the .class Method
Convert Numbers to Strings and Vice Versa
Introduction to Booleans
The .odd? and .even? Predicate Methods
Comparison with the Equality (==) Operator
Comparison with the Inequality (!=) Operator
Less Than and Greater Than Operators
Arithmetic Methods and Basic Arguments
Introduction to Object Methods with Parameters (The .between? Predicate Method)
Float Methods
Assignment Operators
Introduction to Blocks with the .times Method
The .upto and .downto Methods
BONUS - The .step Method
Chapter 4 : Strings I
Create a String
Multiline Strings
Escape Characters
Single Quotes Versus Double Quotes
Equality and Inequality Operators with Strings
Concatenate Strings
The .length and .size Methods
Extract Single Characters from String with Bracket Syntax
Extract Multiple Characters from String with Bracket Syntax
Extract Multiple Characters with Range Objects
Overwrite Characters in String with Bracket Syntax
Case Methods
The .reverse Method on a String
Bang Methods on Strings
The .include? Method on a String
The .empty? and .nil? Methods on a String
Chapter 5 : Methods and Conditionals I
Introduction to Methods
Local Variables
Parameters and Arguments
Return Values I
Return Values II - Default Return Values and the Return of the puts Method
The if Statement
Truthiness and Falseness
if elsif
The else Keyword
Multiple Conditions with Operator
Multiple Conditions with || Operator
Parentheses and Precedence
Nested if Statements
The .respond_to? Method
Ternary Operator
Default or Optional Parameters
Call A Method from Another Method or Interpolated String
Chapter 6 : Methods and Conditionals II
The case Statement
Negation with !
The unless Keyword
The while Keyword
The until Keyword
Statement Modifiers / Inline Modifiers
Conditional Assignment
Chapter 7 : Ranges
Introduction to Ranges
Alphabetical Ranges
The .size Method on a Range
Check if Value Exists in a Range with .includes? Method or ===
Generate A Random Number with the rand Method
Chapter 8 : Arrays I - Creation, Addition, and Modification
Introduction to Arrays
Create An Array with Bracket Syntax
Shorthand %w Syntax to Create an Array of Strings
Create an Array with Method
Access Single Array Element by Index Position
Access Single Array Element with .fetch Method
Extract Sequential Array Elements with Bracket Syntax
Access Sequential Array Elements with a Range Object
Access Multiple Array Elements with the .values_at Method
The .slice Method
Overwrite One or More Array Elements
The .length, .size and .count Methods on an Array
The .empty? and .nil? Methods on an Array
The .first and .last Methods
The .push Method, the Shovel Operator, and the .insert Method
The .pop Method
The .shift and .unshift Methods
Equality and Inequality Operators with Arrays
The Spaceship Operator
Convert Ranges to Arrays with the .to_a Method
The .is_a? Predicate Method
Chapter 9 : Arrays II - Iteration and Various Methods
The ri Program
Review of Blocks
The .each Method on an Array
More Practice with the .each Method
Each within each
The For Loop
The .each_with_index Method
Challenge: The .each_with_index Method
The .map and .collect Methods on an Array
Iteration over Array with While or Until Loops
The break Keyword
The next Keyword
The .reverse Method on an Array
The .sort Method on an Array
The .concat Method on an Array
The .max and .min Methods on an Array
The .include? Predicate Method on an Array
The .index and .find_index Methods on an Array
The .select Method on an Array
The .reject Method on an Array
Unpack a Multidimensional Array
The .partition Method on an Array
Chapter 10 : Strings II
The .split Method on a String
Iterate over String Characters
The .join Method on an Array
The .count Method on a String
The .index and .rindex Methods on a String
The .insert Method on a String
The .squeeze Method
The .clear Method on a String
The .delete Method on a String
Chapter 11 : Arrays III - Bonus Methods
Object Pointers and Object Copies
Splat Arguments
The .any? And .all? Methods on an Array
The .find and .detect Methods on an Array
The .uniq Method on an Array
The .compact Method on an Array
The .inject and .reduce Methods on an Array
The .flatten Method on an Array
The .zip Method on an Array
The .sample Method on an Array
Multiply an Array with Asterisk Symbol
Union - Combine Arrays and Exclude Duplicates
Remove Array Items that Exist in another Array
Array Intersection with the Ampersand Symbol
Chapter 12 : Hashes I
Introduction to Hashes
Create Hash and Extract Values from Hashes by their Keys
Introduction to Symbols and Symbols as Hash Keys
Convert Symbols to Strings and Vice Versa
The .fetch Method on a Hash
Add a Key Value Pair to a Hash with Bracket Syntax or the .store Method
The .length and .empty? Methods on a Hash
The .each Method on a Hash
The .each_key and .each_value Methods
Retrieve Keys or Values from Hash as an Array
Chapter 13 : Hashes II
Create Hash with Default Value
Convert Hash to Array and Vice Versa
The .sort and .sort_by Methods on a Hash
The .key? And .value? Methods on a Hash
Hashes as Method Arguments
The .delete Method on a Hash
The .select and .reject Methods on a Hash
The .merge Method to Combine Hashes
CHALLENGE: Word Frequency in a Sentence String
Chapter 14 : Blocks, Procs, and Lambdas
Introduction to Blocks
The yield Keyword
Procs I
The .block_given? Method
Yielding with Arguments
A Custom .each Method
Procs II
Pass a Ruby Method as Proc
Methods with Proc Parameters
Introduction to Lambdas
Lambda Efficiency Example
Chapter 15 : The Time Object
Introduction to the Time Object
Instance Methods on a Time Object
Predicate Methods on Time Objects
Add or Subtract Time by Seconds
The Comparable Methods on a Time Object
Convert Time Object to Other Objects
Convert Time Object to Formatted String
The .parse and .strptime Methods
Chapter 16 : File Input and Output
Read from a Text File with Ruby
Write to a Text File with Ruby
Rename and Delete a File with Ruby
Command Line Arguments (ARGV)
The load Method
The require and require_relative Methods
Chapter 17 : Regular Expressions
The .start_with? and .end_with? Methods
The .include? Method
Introduction to Regular Expressions
The .scan Method I
The .scan Method II
The Wildcard Symbol
The Backslash
RegEx Anchors
Exclude Characters
The .sub and .gsub Methods with Regular Expressions
Chapter 18 : Classes I
Introduction to Classes
Review of the .class Method on Ruby Objects
The .superclass and .ancestors Methods on a Class
The .methods Method
Create a Class
Object Aliases
Instance Variables and the .initialize Method
Instance Methods
Override the .to_s Method
The Self-Keyword in an Instance Method
Getter Methods
Setter Methods
Shortcut Accessor Methods
Add Parameters to initialize Method
Chapter 19 : Modules and Mixins
Introduction to Modules
Modules with Identical Methods
Import Modules into the Current File
The Math Module
Mixins I - The Comparable Module
Mixins II - Custom Mixins
The .ancestors Method In-Depth
The prepend Keyword
The extend Keyword
Mixins III - The Enumerable Module
Chapter 20 : Classes II
Private Methods
Protected Methods
Add Validation to Setter Methods
Prefer Instance Methods to Instance Variables
Calling Multiple Setter Methods within one Method
Monkey Patching I
Monkey Patching II
Monkey Patching III
Class Variables and Class Methods
Chapter 21 : Classes III
Review of Inheritance
Create Subclasses
Check Inheritance Hierarchy
The .is_a? and .instance_of? Predicate Methods
Exclusive Instance Methods in Subclasses
Override Methods in a Subclass
The super Keyword I
The super Keyword II
Class Variables across Subclasses
Singleton Classes and Singleton Methods
Hash as initialize Argument I
Hash as Initialize Argument II
Chapter 22 : Reading and Writing Documentation
Introduction to Rubydoc Documentation
Class Method Documentation on RubyDocs
Use rdoc to Generate Your Own Documentation I
Use rdoc to Generate Your Own Documentation II
Chapter 23 : Conclusion
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