An incredible introduction to one of the most powerful data toolkits available today! Learn data analysis with Pandas and Python
About This Video
Helps take your data analysis skills to the next level
Introduces you to the popular Pandas library built on top of the Python programming language
Covers hundreds of different methods, attributes, features, and functionalities
In Detail
Data Analysis with Pandas and Python introduces you to the …
Data Analysis with Pandas and Python
Video description
An incredible introduction to one of the most powerful data toolkits available today! Learn data analysis with Pandas and Python
About This Video
Helps take your data analysis skills to the next level
Introduces you to the popular Pandas library built on top of the Python programming language
Covers hundreds of different methods, attributes, features, and functionalities
In Detail
Data Analysis with Pandas and Python introduces you to the popular Pandas library built on top of the Python programming language.
Pandas is a powerhouse tool that allows you to do anything and everything with colossal datasets—analyzing, organizing, sorting, filtering, pivoting, aggregating, munging, cleaning, calculating, and more! Hence, we call it "Excel on steroids"!
Over the course of more than 19 hours, we will go step-by-step through Pandas, from installation to visualization! We will cover hundreds of different methods, attributes, features, and functionalities packed away inside this awesome library. We will dive into tons of different datasets, short and long, broken, and pristine, to demonstrate the incredible versatility and efficiency of this package.
This course is bundled with dozens of datasets for you to use and improve your skills. Dive right in and follow along with the lessons to see how easy it is to get started with Pandas!
By the end of this course, you will be able to gain deeper insights into your data that would be impractical in Excel but is now possible with Pandas.
An excellent choice for both beginners and experts looking to expand their knowledge of one of the most popular Python libraries in the world.
One needs basic knowledge of spreadsheet software, a basic understanding of data types and Python, and strong knowledge of spreadsheet software.
Introduction to Data Analysis with Pandas and Python
MacOS - Download the Anaconda Distribution, Our Python Development Environment
MacOS - Install Anaconda Distribution
MacOS - Access the Terminal Application
MacOS - Create Conda Environment and Install Pandas and Jupyter Notebook
MacOS - Unpack Course Materials + The Start and Shutdown Process
Windows - Download the Anaconda Distribution
Windows - Install Anaconda Distribution
Windows - Create Conda Environment and Install Pandas and Jupyter Notebook
Windows - Unpack Course Materials + The Start and Shutdown Process
Introduction to the Jupyter Notebook Interface
Cell Types and Cell Modes in Jupyter Notebook
Code Cell Execution in Jupyter Notebook
Popular Keyboard Shortcuts in Jupyter Notebook
Import Libraries into Jupyter Notebook
Chapter 2 : Bonus: Python Crash Course
Introduction to the Python Crash Course
Basic Data Types
Built-In Functions
Custom Functions
String Methods
Index Positions and Slicing
Chapter 3 : Series
Create Jupyter Notebook for the Series Module
Create a Series Object from a Python List
Create a Series Object from a Python Dictionary
Introduction to Attributes on a Series Object
Introduction to Methods on a Series Object
Parameters and Arguments
Create Series from a Dataset with the pd.read_csv Method
Use the Head and Tail Methods to Return Rows from the Beginning and End of a Dataset
Passing Pandas Objects to Python Built-In Functions
Accessing More Series Attributes
Use the sort_values Method to Sort a Series in Ascending or Descending Order
Use the inplace Parameter to Permanently Mutate a Pandas Data Structure
Use the sort_index Method to Sort the Index of a Pandas Series Object
Use Python’s in Keyword to Check for Inclusion in Series Values or Index
Extract Series Values by Index Position
Extract Series Values by Index Label
Use the get Method to Retrieve a Value for an Index label in a Series
Math Methods on Series Objects
Use the idxmax and idxmin Methods to Find Index of Greatest or Smallest Value
Use the value_counts Method to See Counts of Unique Values within a Series
Use the apply Method to Invoke a Function on Every Series Values
The Series#map Method
Chapter 4 : DataFrames I: Introduction
Introduction to DataFrames I Module
Shared Methods and Attributes Between Series and DataFrames
Differences Between Shared Methods
Select One Column from a DataFrame
Select Two or More Columns from a DataFrame
Add a New Column to DataFrame
Broadcasting Operations on DataFrames
A Review of the value_counts Method
Drop DataFrame Rows with Null Values with the dropna Method
Fill in Null DataFrame Values with the fillna Method
Convert DataFrame Column Types with the astype Method
Sort a DataFrame with the sort_values Method, Part I
Sort a DataFrame with the sort_values Method, Part II
Sort DataFrame Index with the sort_index() Method
Rank Series Values with the rank Method
Chapter 5 : DataFrames II: Filtering Data
This Module’s Dataset + Memory Optimization
Filter a DataFrame Based on a Condition
Filter DataFrame with More than One Condition (AND - )
Filter DataFrame with More than One Condition (OR - |)
Check for Inclusion with the isin() Method
Check for Null and Present DataFrame Values with the isnull and notnull Methods
Check for Inclusion Within a Range of Values with the between Method
Check for Duplicate DataFrame Rows with the duplicated Method
Delete Duplicate DataFrame Rows with the drop_duplicates Method
Identify and Count Unique Values with the unique and nunique Methods
Chapter 6 : DataFrames III: Data Extraction
Introduction to the DataFrames III Module + Import Dataset
Use the set_index and reset_index Methods to Define a new DataFrame Index
Retrieve Rows by Index Label with loc Accessor
Retrieve Rows by Index Position with iloc Accessor
Passing Second Arguments to the loc and iloc Accessors
Set New Value for a Specific Cell or Cells in a Row
Set Multiple Values in a DataFrame
Rename Index Labels or Columns in a DataFrame
Delete Rows or Columns from a DataFrame
Create Random Sample with the sample Method
Use the nsmallest / nlargest Methods to Get Rows with Smallest / Largest Values.
Filter a DataFrame with the where() Method
Filter a DataFrame with the query Method
A Review of the apply Method on a Pandas Series Object
Apply a Function to Every DataFrame Row with the apply Method
Create a Copy of a DataFrame with the copy Method
Chapter 7 : Working with Text Data
Introduction to the Working with Text Data Section
Common String Methods - lower, upper, title, and len
Use the str.replace Method to Replace All Occurrences of a Character with Another
Filter a DataFrame’s Rows with String Methods
More DataFrame String Methods - strip, lstrip, and rstrip
Invoke String Methods on DataFrame Index and Columns
Split Strings by Characters with the str.split Method
More Practice with the str.split Method on a Series
Exploring the expand and n Parameters of the str.split Method
Chapter 8 : MultiIndex
Introduction to the MultiIndex Module
Create a MultiIndex on a DataFrame with the set_index Method
Extract Index Level Values with the get_level_values Method
Change Index Level Name with the set_names Method
The sort_index Method on a MultiIndex DataFrame
Extract Rows from a MultiIndex DataFrame
The transpose Method on a MultiIndex DataFrame
The .swaplevel() Method
The .stack() Method
The .unstack() Method, Part 1
The .unstack() Method, Part 2
The .unstack() Method, Part 3
The pivot Method
Use the pivot_table Method to Create an Aggregate Summary of a DataFrame
Use the pd.melt Method to Create a Narrow Dataset from a Wide One
Chapter 9 : The GroupBy Object
Introduction to the GroupBy Module
First Operations with the GroupBy Object
Retrieve a Group from a GroupBy Object with the get_group Method
Methods on the GroupBy Object and DataFrame Columns
Grouping by Multiple Columns
The .agg() Method
Iterating Through Groups
Chapter 10 : Merging, Joining, and Concatenating DataFrames
Introduction to the Merging, Joining, and Concatenating Section
The pd.concat Method, Part 1
The pd.concat Method, Part 2
The append Method on a DataFrame
Inner Joins, Part 1
Inner Joins, Part 2
Outer Joins
Left Joins
The left_on and right_on Parameters
Merging by Indexes with the left_index and right_index Parameters
The .join() Method
The pd.merge() Method
Chapter 11 : Working with Dates and Times in Datasets
Introduction to the Working with Dates and Times Module
Review of Python’s Datetime Module
The Pandas Timestamp Object
The Pandas DateTimeIndex Object
The pd.to_datetime() Method
Create Range of Dates with the pd.date_range() Method, Part 1
Create Range of Dates with the pd.date_range() Method, Part 2
Create Range of Dates with the pd.date_range() Method, Part 3
The .dt Accessor
Install Pandas-datareader Library
Import Financial Dataset with pandas_datareader Library
Selecting Rows from a DataFrame with a DateTimeIndex
Timestamp Object Attributes and Methods
The pd.DateOffset Object
Timeseries Offsets
The Timedelta Object
Timedeltas in a Dataset
Chapter 12 : Input and Output in Pandas
Introduction to the Input and Output Section
Pass a URL to the pd.read_csv Method
Quick Object Conversions
Export CSV File with the to_csv Method
Install xlrd and openpyxl Libraries to Read and Write Excel Files
Import Excel File into Pandas with the read_excel Method
Export Excel File with the to_excel Method
Chapter 13 : Visualization
Introduction to the Visualization Section
Use the plot Method to Render a Line Chart
Modifying Plot Aesthetics with matplotlib Templates
Creating Bar Graphs to Show Counts
Creating Pie Charts to Represent Proportions
Chapter 14 : Options and Settings in Pandas
Introduction to the Options and Settings Module
Changing Pandas Options with Attributes and Dot Syntax
Changing Pandas Options with Methods
The precision Option
Chapter 15 : Thank You
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