Video description
Arduino and Raspberry Pi have been the saviors of the worldwide Maker movement for many years now, giving electronics hobbyists and inventors an amazingly accessible and low-cost platform to build out their prototypes. In this video, the prolific hacker, author, and not-evil-at-all genius Dr. Simon Monk cooks up a batch of easy-to-follow lessons that will give all inventive souls the ingredients they need to start baking their own makings. Based on material from his book by the same title, this beginner-level course explains basic electronics theory and basic electronic components; shows you how to use the Raspberry Pi single board computer and the Arduino microcontroller/programming environment; and then demonstrates how you interface the Arduino/Raspberry Pi combo to a broad array of things (e.g., sensors, LEDs, power supplies, integrated circuits, amplifiers, RF device, etc.) that will allow your inventions to sense things, make sounds, emanate light, send out radio waves, and more. Want to make stuff? This video shows you how.
- Pick up the practical knowledge you need to build real-world electronic prototypes
- Understand the basics of electronic theory, diodes, transistors, and power supplies
- Learn how to use the Arduino microcontroller and the Raspberry Pi computer
- Gain experience interfacing various input and output devices to Arduino and Raspberry Pi
Dr. Simon Monk has a degree in Cybernetics and Computer Science and a PhD in Software Engineering. He spent several years as an academic before founding the mobile software company Momote Ltd. An active electronics hobbyist and inventor since his early teens, Simon is now a full time writer and his books include 30 Arduino Projects for the Evil Genius, Raspberry Pi Cookbook, Electronics Cookbook, and The Maker's Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse.
Table of Contents
Electronics Basics
Understanding Current and Voltage
Working with Unit Prefixes
Understanding Resistance, Voltage, and Current
Understanding Power, Voltage, and Current
Balancing the Currents Around a Circuit
Balancing the Voltages Around a Circuit
Understanding Alternating Current
Resistors in Practice
Understanding Resistors in Series and Parallel
Understanding Voltage Dividers
Using Resistive Sensors
The Fundamentals of Wires
Capacitor Basics
Types of Capacitor
Inductor Basics
Introducing Transformers
Diodes, Transistors, and Power Supplies
How to Use Switches
Explaining Electromechanical Relays
Diode Basics
Selecting the Right Diode
Introducing LEDs
Using Bipolar Transistors
Introducing MOSFETs
Using Phototransistors and Opto-isolators
Power Supply Basics
Full-Wave Rectification
Using Linear Voltage Regulators
Constant Current Regulation
DC Step-Down Regulation with Buck Converters
DC Step-up ‘Boost’ Converters
Using Fuses and Polarity Protection
Battery Basics
Using Trickle-charging
Adding Battery Backup to a Project
Charging a LiPo Battery Safely
Solar Power Basics
Getting Started with Arduino
What Is an Arduino?
Selecting an Arduino Board
Programming an Arduino
Understanding GPIO Pins
Using Digital Outputs to Control Things
Using Digital Inputs to Read On/Off Signals
Using PWM Outputs to Control Power Output
Using Analog Inputs to Measure Voltage
Getting Started with Raspberry Pi
What Is a Raspberry Pi?
Things You Can Do with a Raspberry Pi
A Tour of the Raspberry Pi Hardware
Alternatives to the Raspberry Pi
Introducing Python
GPIO Pins on the Raspberry Pi
Using Digital Outputs
Using Digital Inputs
Using PWM Outputs
Understanding Serial Interfaces on the Raspberry Pi
Converting Between Logic Levels
Switching Loads and Interfacing Sensors with Arduino and Raspberry Pi
Switching from a GPIO Pin Using a Transistor
Switching from a GPIO Pin Using a Relay
Test Code for Switching Digital Outputs
Using H-bridges
Controlling Stepper Motors
Controlling Servo Motors
Connecting Switches to a GPIO Pin
Resistive Sensors
Resistive Sensors without Analog Inputs
Adding Analog Inputs to Raspberry Pi
Analog Temperature Sensor ICs
Digital Temperature Sensor ICs
Using an Ultrasonic Rangefinder
LEDs, ICs, and Analog Electronics
Using Standard LEDs
Driving High Power LEDs
Driving Lots of LEDs
Understanding Multiplexing
Understanding Charlieplexing
Using Multicolor LEDs
Using I2C Displays
Digital IC Basics
Using Shift Registers
Using Counters
Understanding Decibels
How to Make a Low-pass Filter
Understanding Input and Output Impedance
Using an Emitter-Follower
Using the 555 Timer IC
Op-amp Basics
Making Inverting Amplifiers
Making Noninverting Amplifiers
Designing Active Filters
Choosing an Op-Amp Chip
Audio and RF Electronics
Understanding Sound and Loudspeakers
Playing Sounds Using an Arduino
Playing Sounds from a Raspberry Pi
Using Microphones and Pre-amplifiers
Understanding Audio Power Amplifiers
Understanding Amplitude Modulation
Understanding Frequency Modulation
Making an FM Transmitter
Making an FM Receiver
Using Packet Data Modules