Video description
Have data breaches among large retailers heightened your
concerns about cyber-crime? Now you can be a fly on the wall at
Suits and Spooks Washington, D.C., the unique technology event that
helps unmask the cold realities of cyber conflict, espionage, and
crime. With this complete video compilation, you can catch many of
the eyebrow-raising sessions from the January 2014 conference.
Table of Contents
Suits and Spooks Washington DC 2014
01_NSA and NATO: nth Order Effects of Weakening Encryption - Jeffrey Carr
02_Exploiting End Points, Devices, and the Internet of Things - Panel
03_Un-masking the Stealthy Hacker - Lance Cottrell
04_The Human Element: Every Systems Weakest Link - Eric ONeill
05_The Importance of Critical Thinking when Evaluating Cyber Threat Intelligence - Carmen Medina
06_Use of Automated Behavioral Analysis to Anticipate Cyber Attacks - Robert Zitz
07_Can Companies Afford an Active Defense Strategy? - Panel
08_Security Economics: Competing in a obese and insecure intellectual property landscape - Ali-Reza Anghale
09_The Supply Chain: A Nearly Invisible Attack Vector - Panel
10_High Speed Operators: What Cyber Security Engineers can learn from Special Operations Forces - Panel
11_Is the Cloud and Virtualization an Attackers Dream or Nightmare? - Panel
12_How Organizations can Leverage Data to Observe Risk and Assess Opportunities - Oren J. Falkowitz