This page provides the complete DVD content that
Adobe Photoshop CS3
Pioneering computer graphics author Deke McClelland updates
his bestselling hands-on tutorial for Adobe Photoshop CS3, the
latest version of this industry-standard image editing and
production program. As with previous editions,
Photoshop CS3 One-on-Oneguides readers step by
step through the program's features and functionality. A key appeal
of the One-on-One series is the two hours of DVD-video material
included. Once you read about a particular technique, you can see
how it's done first hand in the video. The combination is uniquely
effective. And hugely popular.
Whether you're a first-timer looking to learn Photoshop, or a
seasoned user interested in the groundbreaking features of CS3,
Deke's conversational style and carefully structured lessons guide
you through everything you need to know to get up and running, and
then takes you well into mastery. You'll learn to:
Grasp fundamental and advanced concepts and theory
Use best practices, and techniques for making the most of
Photoshop CS3
Build relevant, real-world projects
Use Photoshop's workflow and file handling features
Use the combined power of Bridge + Camera Raw to process your
digital photos
Choose the right technique for converting your images to
black & white
Create beautiful multilayered documents including posters and
And much more
A Photoshop expert, sought-after computer graphics and design
lecturer and author of over 70 books, Deke creates a classroom
environment in
Photoshop CS3 One-on-Onewith written
instruction and video training -- except that you get one-on-one
attention as you proceed from lesson to lesson at your own pace.
It's like having private lessons with the author.
Whether you're an enthusiast, prosumer, creative pro,
technical pro, or newcomer, Deke's book will have you speaking
fluent Photoshop CS3 in no time.