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26+ Hours of Video Instruction
Angular: Zero to Full-Stack video collection is based on four video courses that give you everything you need to become a full-stack developer with the Angular and MEAN stacks.
This master class includes the following courses:- Learn JavaScript LiveLessons
- Learn Angular for Modern Web Applications LiveLessons
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- Node.js Essentials LiveLessons
The code repository for this LiveLesson can be accessed at
- Full-Stack Web Development with Angular LiveLessons
Access the supplemental resources for this LiveLesson at
Learn JavaScript LiveLessons gives first-time JavaScript users what they need to become successful developers. Shaun Wassell offers a modern, full-fledged introduction to JavaScript. In particular, the viewer will learn the modern syntax of JavaScript: ES6. Shaun delivers step-by-step guidance that will take the learner from the basic syntax and concepts of JavaScript, all the way through the more advanced concepts that are covered in technical interviews.
Learn Angular for Modern Web Applications covers the topics needed to effectively create and manage front-end codebases using Angular, currently one of the most popular front-end JavaScript frameworks.
The approach is hands-on. You start with a basic boilerplate application, and throughout the course, add new functionality to your skill set. Angular has undergone some substantial changes over the past few years, and this course presents the latest features and best practices.
Node.js Essentials shows developers how to write and run server-side JavaScript applications for the powerful Node.js runtime.
Several years ago, it wasn’t possible to write JavaScript programs for the back-end. JavaScript was strictly limited to running in a browser, and if a developer wanted to write back-end software, they had little choice but to learn another programming language, such as PHP. Now, that has all changed. Thanks to Node.js, which allows JavaScript to be run outside the browser, JavaScript developers can write web-servers, server-side scripts, and any number of other useful back-end programs.
MEAN (MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js) is one of the most popular stacks for building full-stack web applications. It enables developers to quickly write an entire application—front end, back end, and database—using only JavaScript. In this course, expert Shaun Wassell demonstrates the MEAN stack through five unique projects.
It’s best to learn by doing, and Full-Stack Web Development with Angular LiveLessons offers hands-on experience. Shaun leads you through five sample projects of increasing complexity that demonstrate many different aspects and possibilities of full-stack development with the MEAN stack.
About the Instructor
Shaun Wassell’s goal is to create a world where people are empowered to use programming as a way to solve meaningful problems; a world where writing code is just as natural for most people as walking or breathing. To help make this a reality, he has dedicated the past few years to helping people learn and master software-development skills through video courses, live training sessions, and one-on-one tutoring. Shaun has been programming since he was a kid, when creating video games was his gateway into the world of software. Since then, he’s been fortunate enough to be a contributing member on many amazing software projects and work with some incredible mentors along the way.
About Pearson Video Training
Pearson publishes expert-led video tutorials covering a wide selection of technology topics designed to teach you the skills you need to succeed. These professional and personal technology videos feature world-leading author instructors published by your trusted technology brands: Addison-Wesley, Cisco Press, Pearson IT Certification, Sams, and Que. Topics include: IT Certification, Network Security, Cisco Technology, Programming, Web Development, Mobile Development, and more. Learn more about Pearson Video training at
Table of Contents
Learn JavaScript: Introduction
Lesson 1: What Is JavaScript?
Learning objectives
1.1 Learn what you can do with JavaScript
1.2 Take a look at JavaScript’s features
1.3 Learn the pros and cons of JavaScript
1.4 Learn the JavaScript dialects and browser compatibility
1.5 Running code using a REPL
1.6 Learn basic JavaScript syntax
Lesson 2: Learn the 8 JavaScript Data Types
Learning objectives
2.1 Learn the 8 data types
2.2 Learn about JavaScript’s “Number” type
2.3 Learn about JavaScript’s “String” type
2.4 Learn about JavaScript’s “Boolean” type
2.5 Learn about JavaScript’s “Object” type
2.6 Learn about arrays in JavaScript
2.7 Learn about JavaScript’s “Function” type
2.8 Learn about JavaScript’s “Undefined” type
2.9 Learn about JavaScript’s “BigInt” type
2.10 Learn about JavaScript’s “Symbol” type
Lesson 3: Learn Basic JavaScript Control Flow
Learning objectives
3.1 Learn about equality in JavaScript
3.2 Learn about If statements in JavaScript
3.3 Learn about For Loops in JavaScript (For-in and For-of)
3.4 Learn about While Loops in JavaScript (while and do-while)
3.5 Handling and throwing errors in JavaScript
3.6 Learn about Switch-Case Blocks in JavaScript
3.7 Learn about Ternary Operators in JavaScript
3.8 Learn the difference between block-scoped and function-scoped variables
Lesson 4: Object-Oriented Programming in JavaScript
Learning objectives
4.1 Learn about JavaScript classes
4.2 Learn about Prototype-Based Inheritance
4.3 Using the “This” keyword in JavaScript
Lesson 5: Working with Objects, Arrays, and Functions in JavaScript
Learning objectives
5.1 Use built-in Object Functions
5.2 Use built-in Array Functions
Lesson 6: Learn JavaScript ES6+ Syntax
Learning objectives
6.1 Write functions using Arrow syntax
6.2 Set default values for function arguments
6.3 Learn about the “spread operator”
6.4 Use object destructuring to get object properties
6.5 Use Interpolation to insert data into strings
6.6 Learn the Import and Export code in JavaScript
Lesson 7: Write and Run a JavaScript Program
Learning objectives
7.1 Learn about writing and running JavaScript programs
7.2 Write a JavaScript program for the browser
7.3 Move JavaScript to an external script
7.4 Install Node.js and NPM
7.5 Write a Node script
7.6 Use Babel to transpile code
Lesson 8: Work with Asynchronous Code in JavaScript
Learning objectives
8.1 Use callbacks to handle asynchronous operations
8.2 Learn about Promises
8.3 Use Async and Await to make asynchronous code readable
Lesson 9: Create a Web Server with JavaScript
Learning objectives
9.1 Learn the basics of writing a Node server
9.2 Create and set up a Node.js project
9.3 Create and run a basic Express server
9.4 Create and test a GET endpoint
9.5 Read a file with the ‘fs’ package
9.6 Create and test a POST endpoint
Lesson 10: Learn JavaScript Best Practices
Learning objectives
10.1 Use ESLint to ensure code style
10.2 Ensure Immutability in JavaScript programs
10.3 Avoid Loops when working with arrays
Learn JavaScript: Summary
Learn Angular for Modern Web Applications: Introduction
Lesson 1: Learn Basic Angular Syntax and Concepts
Learning objectives
1.1 Understand the purpose and benefits of Angular
1.2 Create and run an Angular app
1.3 Understand the different parts of an Angular component
1.4 Pass inputs to components
1.5 Render components conditionally
1.6 Display lists of components
1.7 Style components in Angular
1.8 Handle clicks and other events
1.9 Learn about outputs in Angular
Lesson 2: Learn About State and the Component Lifecycle
Learning objectives
2.1 Use State in components
2.2 Decide where to put State
2.3 Use lifecycle events in components
Lesson 3: Learn Routing in Angular
Learning objectives
3.1 Set up routing in Angular
3.2 Use URL parameters query parameters
3.3 Create a “Not Found” page
3.4 Navigate programmatically
Lesson 4: Learn Common Angular Patterns
Learning objectives
4.1 Create and manage forms in Angular
4.2 Build a navigation bar in Angular
4.3 Load data and make requests in Angular
Lesson 5: Write Clean Angular Code
Learning objectives
5.1 Learn the difference between Inheritance and Composition
5.2 Apply the Single-Responsibility Principle in Angular
5.3 Avoid common anti-patterns
Lesson 6: Learn Advanced Topics
Learning objectives
6.1 Learn about Angular view encapsulation
6.2 Add the Font-Awesome and Material Libraries to Angular
6.3 Use the ng-content directive
Lesson 7: Host Angular Applications
Learning objectives
7.1 Host an Angular app on Netlify
7.2 Host an Angular app on Firebase Hosting
Learn Angular for Modern Web Applications: Summary
Node.js Essentials: Introduction
Lesson 1: Create Your First Node.js Project
Learning objectives
1.1 Install Node.js and NPM
1.2 Write and run Node scripts
1.3 Manage Node versions with the Node Version Manager (NVM)
Lesson 2: Node.js Basics
Learning objectives
2.1 Learn about the package.json file
2.2 Create script shortcuts in the package.json file
2.3 Run Node scripts with arguments
2.4 Work with Node.js modules
2.5 Use Babel to write modern JavaScript
Lesson 3: Read and Write Files
Learning objectives
3.1 Understand the ‘fs’ package
3.2 Read and write files synchronously
3.3 Read and write files asynchronously with callbacks
3.4 Read and write files asynchronously with promises
Lesson 4: Create Web Servers
Learning objectives
4.1 Create a web server without frameworks
4.2 Use Express.js to create a web server
4.3 Use Koa.js to create a web server
4.4 Use Hapi to create a web server
Lesson 5: Write Programs That Interface with Databases
Learning objectives
5.1 Use MongoDB with Node.js
5.2 Use SQL databases with Node.js
Lesson 6: Work with Web Sockets
Learning objectives
6.1 Learn the basics of web sockets
6.2 Create web sockets
6.3 Send messages via web sockets
6.4 Subscribing to web socket events
Lesson 7: Create and Publish an NPM Package
Learning objectives
7.1 Learn the structure of an NPM package
7.2 Create an NPM package
7.3 Publish a package on NPM
Lesson 8: Host Node.js Applications
Learning objectives
8.1 Prepare Node.js applications for production
8.2 Host a Node.js app on Heroku
Lesson 9: Test Node.js Programs
Learning objectives
9.1 Learn about the available testing tools
9.2 Write unit tests with Mocha and Chai
9.3 Test server endpoints with Supertest
9.4 Create test scripts
9.5 Run test scripts automatically
9.6 Ensure and display test coverage
Node.js Essentials: Summary
Full-Stack Web Development with Angular: Introduction
Lesson 1: Meet the MEAN Stack
Learning objectives
1.1 Learn the basics of Angular
1.2 Learn the basics of Node.js
1.3 Learn the basics of Express
1.4 Learn the basics of MongoDB
Lesson 2: Build a Full-Stack Meal-Tracker Application
Learning objectives
2.1 Learn about the example application
2.2 Create and setup the project
2.3 Learn about REST APIs
2.4 Implement the Home page
2.5 Build a Meals List component
2.6 Create a service for loading data
2.7 Build a backend for the Home page
2.8 Implement the Add Ingredient page
2.9 Implement the Recipe Search page
2.10 Create a Search Results List component
2.11 Implement the Shopping List page
2.12 Calculate the missing ingredients
Lesson 3: Build a Members-Only Website
Learning objectives
3.1 Learn about the example application
3.2 Create and set up the project
3.3 Learn the basics of user authentication
3.4 Implement the Sign In page
3.5 Protect routes from unauthenticated users
3.6 Implement the Groups List page
3.7 Create a Groups List component
3.8 Create a backend for the Groups List page
3.9 Implement routes for Join requests
3.10 Implement the Create Group page
3.11 Create basic server routes
3.12 Add more server routes
3.13 Implement the Group page
3.14 Make network requests from the frontend
Lesson 4: Build an Image-Sharing Application
Learning objectives
4.1 Learn about the example application
4.2 Create and set up the project
4.3 Store and serve files
4.4 Implement the Sign In page
4.5 Implement the Browse Photos page
4.6 Implement the Upload Photo page
4.7 Create basic utility functions
4.8 Implement the Photo Detail Page and Routes
4.9 Add methods to the Photos Service
Lesson 5: Build a Stock-Trading Application
Learning objectives
5.1 Learn about the example application
5.2 Create and set up the project
5.3 Learn the basics of interacting with third-party APIs
5.4 Implement the Basic User Interface
5.5 Implement the Stock Ticker Chart
5.6 Implement the Stocks service
5.7 Allow users to buy and sell stocks
5.8 Track user progress over time
Lesson 6: Build a Real-Time Chat Application
Learning objectives
6.1 Learn about the example application
6.2 Create and set up the project
6.3 Learn the basics of web sockets and real-time interaction
6.4 Implement the Sign In page
6.5 Implement the Home page
6.6 Create services for managing data
6.7 Implement the New Conversation page
6.8 Add web sockets to the backend
6.9 Add web sockets to the frontend
Full-Stack Web Development with Angular: Summary