Video description
Systems administrators and power users know that the Mac's
command-line interface can be a powerful time saver and, in many
cases, the only method to accomplish certain tasks. But OS X brings
its unique capabilities to the command-line table, in the form of
utilities that leverage OS X's user interface, file system, and
security capabilities. This introduction to Command-Line
administration teaches users the basics of building workflows and
remote administration practices relevant to many server
Table of Contents
Introduction to UNIX
What is UNIX?
Structure of a Command
Navigating in UNIX
UNIX Syntax Cheat Sheet
POSIX Permissions
Permissions in CLI vs GUI
Useful Commands and Using Man Pages
What Is the Root User?
Root User and Shortcuts
Using Root to Access Other User Directories
The Root Shell
Enabling the Root User in GUI
Useful UNIX Shortcuts
Finding and Editing Items
Performing Searches in UNIX
Command Line Editors in UNIX
Scripting 101
Creating and Executing a Shell Script
Remote Connections
Overview of SSH
Connect to a Remote Device Using SSH
Running Useful UNIX Commands Remotely
UNIX & Apple Remote Desktop
Advanced: Modifying the Sudoers File
Modifying the Sudoers File