Video description
There are already suitable introductory lessons for testing Python with Pytest. But there are essential concepts for functional and integration testing that require detailed explanations. In this course, you'll have a better grasp on solving a complex test matrix with ease, including highly functional tests with databases, web services, and containers. We will go from basic test runs that, although sufficient, isn't helping us in the case of failure, all the way to adding advanced techniques expanding on the framework. All of these changes live, debugging as we make progress.
Learn everything you need to know to be proficient with advanced testing in Python techniques, from unit tests to integration testing and functional testing with complex test matrixes.
Topics include:
* Introduction to Pytest fixtures.
* Create powerful plugins with
* Monkeypatching, patching, and mocking with Pytest
* Apply patches and mocks globally, automatically, or on-demand per test
* Complex functional testing with remote Docker containers
* Integrate Pytest with Docker containers, assert and run assertions remotely
* Build Command-line tools with Click, run tests agains them
* Create docker command-line tools and easily test them
* Use Github Codespaces to develop continuous integration (CI/CD)
* Github Actions to test multiple Python versions and cloud environments, including Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google's Cloud Platform (GCP), and Microsoft Azure
(Simplified) Chinese Translation:
* Pytest固定装置简介。
*使用Github Codespaces开发持续集成(CI / CD)
* Github Actions可测试多个Python版本和云环境,包括Amazon Web Services(AWS)和Google的Cloud Platform(GCP)以及Microsoft Azure
Table of Contents