Video description
Use this reference guide to implement a strategy that will let you pass the AZ-900 Certification exam (Azure Fundamentals Certification). Although this video does not cover in detail everything you need to know to pass the test, it will guide you through some of the things that you will need to know in order to pass the test and get certified.
In this video I'll walk you through the contents you must go through to learn and understand everything you need to pass the Azure Fundamentals exam. Then, we will go through some techniques you can use to review the enormous amount of content needed to study, and finally, I'll cover the summarization techniques with attention to aspects covered in the exam.
Topics include:
- Find all content related to the AZ-900 test
- Use a powerful summarizing technique to review and study
- Capture important key differences in services
Useful links:
Table of Contents
Lesson 1
“Azure Fundamentals Reference”