Video description
One of the most consistent challenges for ML engineers is how to move from model to production. Join us for a day of sessions dedicated to making the most of AI in your company. You’ll learn about everything from scaling to deployment and from pipeline to model decay—straight from our experts.
About the AI Superstream Series: This four-part series of half-day online events is packed with insights from some of the brightest minds in AI. You’ll get a deeper understanding of the latest tools and technologies that can help keep your organization competitive, and learn to leverage AI to drive real business results.
What you'll learn-and how you can apply it
- Understand how MLOps can help you evolve from manually building models
- Learn how to use PyTorch to effectively deploy and scale your AI models
- Explore design patterns that will help you tackle problems that frequently crop up during the ML process
This Superstream is for you because...
- You want to learn more about moving machine learning from model to production.
- You want to better understand MLOps.
- You’re interested in improving your skills in scaling, model monitoring, and deployment.
- Come with your questions
- Have a pen and paper handy to capture notes, insights, and inspiration
Table of Contents
Antje Barth: Get Your AI/ML Pipelines Ready for Prime Time with MLOps 4.0
Yochay Ettun and Chris Banyai: Using MLOps to Build Scalable End-to-End AI Pipelines
Geeta Chauhan: Scaling AI in Production with PyTorch
Sara Robinson: Design Patterns for MLOps
David Talby: Real-world lessons from applying natural language processing to personalized healthcare
Brian Amadio: Multiarmed Bandits and the Stitch Fix Experimentation Platform